October 2023 Newsletter
Third Quarter of Practical Support
By the Numbers: This illustrates how many folks we’ve helped from each state this quarter!
Despite the national legal challenges around abortion access, NM RCRC remains committed to providing assistance to individuals seeking abortion care. In the third quarter of 2023, we assisted 316 individuals from 10 different states. 288 of these individuals were from Texas, 9 from Oklahoma, 8 from New Mexico, 4 from Arizona, 2 from Louisiana, 1 from Alabama, 1 from Kansas, 1 from Florida, 1 from Georgia and 1 from Mississippi. Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, we are able to continue to help individuals in need of abortion care. We have helped 849 individuals access abortion care so far in 2023. Together, we are making an impact, empowering all individuals to have autonomy over their lives and bodies.
Become a Monthly Donor in solidarity of abortion access
Your contributions make a profound difference in the lives of individuals seeking abortion care. They help remove financial barriers that may prevent someone from accessing abortion care. By donating, you are empower individuals to make their own decisions and take control of their lives. Your support matters, and it can help someone in their times of need.
Latest News on Mifepristone
On Wednesday, August 16th The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Mifepristone to remain legal, but with significant restrictions to its accessibility. This ruling prevents Mifepristone from being mailed, from being prescribed through Telemedicine, and it prevents healthcare providers who are not doctors including nurse midwives from prescribing it. Patients would need to make three visits to a doctor before obtaining the pill. This ruling will not go into effect until the case is heard by the Supreme Court in early 2024, meaning Mifepristone is still available online and for up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. These attacks directly harm the most marginalized who already have limited access to reproductive health care, and it is important we continue to advocate for reproductive freedom in the face of these attacks.
Over-the-counter Birth Control
On Tuesday, September 26th we celebrated world contraception day and the approval of Opill, the first over-the-counter birth control pill in the United States, which was approved by the FDA in July. Opill is a progestin only pill that will be available in early 2024 without age restrictions. It will be sold in drug stores, grocery stores, convenience stores, and online. Perrigo, the pill's manufacturer, has not shared pricing information with the public yet, but they have stated they are working to ensure Opill is affordable and accessible. Help us take action here to ensure insurance companies cover Opill without requiring a prescription.
Medicaid Forward
We continue to support the New Mexico Together for Healthcare coalition in their efforts to pass Medicaid Forward, a program that would open Medicaid enrollment, enabling New Mexicans to access affordable healthcare. In the 2023 legislative session, New Mexico Together for Healthcare secured $10 million in funding to initiate the program. In 2024, they will ask the Superintendent of Insurance for $40 million to start enrollment by mid 2024.
Help us make a difference by contacting the members of the Legislative Finance Committee today! Ask them to fully fund the Office of Superintendent of Insurance's request from the Healthcare Affordability Fund in the 2024 Legislative Session!
Paid Family Medical Leave
We continue to support the Southwest Women's Law Center in their efforts to pass Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML) in the 2024 legislative session. We believe every New Mexican deserves paid time off in times of need to take care of themselves or their families. Join us on November 6th at Highlands University to learn more about PFML and how it can benefit New Mexicans.